Ninety Eight

98? What is it with the number 98? Its the days from the last day of my exam until the result this coming March 3rd. It is now the 95th day. I am going to miss all the days past. It is not going to be the same after the result. It has been good and bad. I have been enjoying :
★watch YouTube videos
★watch tv
★working out
★active with social medias
★read books
★eat a lot
★make jokes
★tease people
★listen to songs
★being a procrastinator
★drink gallons of cafeinated drinks
★go to sleep late
★wake up late
★read blogs
★stalk people
★laughing a lot
★obsess with outerwear
★have a numerous amount of crush (shh)
★clean the house
★play games
★shop shop shop
★go to vacations

And the list goes on. That is it I think. Bye .

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